The Honorable Louis J. Sulak

La Grange

Appointed by

Governor M. A. Ferguson





Date of Passing

September 10, 1967


Appreciation of Services
(Excerpt from the Minutes of the March 9, 1935 Board Meeting)

Mr. L. J. Sulak was appointed a Regent of The University of Texas on January 8, 1932 by Governor Miriam A. Ferguson. He now resigns voluntarily, after two years of distinguished service, to enter the State Legislative Body as Senator.

It is the wish of the remaining members of the Board of Regents to express their appreciation of the services of Mr. L. J. Sulak. As Chairman of the Auditing Committee, he possessed qualifications particularly suited to this responsible position and performed every duty regularly and propmptly. As a member of the Legislative Committee and the Public Relations Committee he possessed rare political and diplomatic qualities which were of great value to the University in its relations with the legislative bodies and the public. At every meeting of the Board of Regents he took great interest in all matters and gave liberally of his time to the particular duties assigned him.

Special attention should be called to the fact that Mr. Sulak is of foreign parentage and although he has lived largely among Bohemian Americans and that he had no opportunities for university education, he has admirable control of both the English and Czech languages and with equal facility and ease edits a bilingual paper, which are evidences of his capabilities.

His experience in business affairs has given him a training which he utilized in the services for the University. In all other departments of the University, aside from his committee relations, he showed a deep interest, often giving extra time to the study of University needs. His votes on allmatters were recorded after careful and thoughtful consideration. His grasp of educational problems, his understanding of divergent issues, his evaluations of related but unequal issues and his eagerness to be of service caused him to be a most valuable member of the Board of Regents.