Judson Ludwell Taylor, M.D.


Appointed by

Governor Stevenson




Date of Passing

November 20, 1944
U. T. Student


Excerpt from February 17, 1945 Board Minutes

RESOLUTION ON THE DEATH OF DR. JUDSON L. TAYLOR.--Dr. Scherer read the following resolution, which had been adopted by the Houston District Dental Society, on the death of Dr. Judson L. Taylor:

Judson Ludwell Taylor was born August 5, 1881, at New Waverly, Texas. He died November 28, 1944. Doctor Taylor was a surgeon of national fame, whose interests went beyond those of his profession. Through his life he devoted his efforts to those elements of human endeavor where his unusual abilities and his broad understanding of human nature were needed most. For his profession he served as Commander in the Navy; became a founder member of the American Board of Surgery; became a leader in the formation of a permanent blood plasma bank for the Gulf Coast area; served as President of the State Medical Association; was President of the Harris County Medical Society; and was instrumental in developing the Post-Graduate Medical ASsembly of South Texas. He was a just man. The extent of his services to the afflicted is known only to God, for Doctor Taylor moved about quietly. His words of wisdom and counsel have guided many young men in and out of the Professions of Medicine and Dentistry to a happier and brighter future. His counsel was sought, locally, in the state and in the nation where sound advice was needed to guide some worthy cause for the betterment of man. The Dental Profession knew him well. For fourteen years he was on the Faculty of the Texas Dental College as Professor of Oral Surgery. For four years he served also as a member of The Board of Trustees of the Dental College. He played a large part in bringing about the establishment of a Dental Branch of The University of Texas. He made many trips to Austin and otehr cities in Texas in the interest of this project. At the time of his death, he was a member of the Board of Regents of The University of Texas, an appointment which he accepted largely because of his desire to aid in the development of the medical and dental branches of the University for the betterment of the professions and ultimately for a better health service for the people. For these accomplishments of a great man who did so much for his fellowmen, The Houston Dental Society now resolve that:

Inasmuchas God Almight in His Infinite Wisdom has seen fit to call Doctor Judson Ludwell Tayl from our midst,

BE IT RESOLVED that The Houson District Dental Society in memory of Doctor Judson Ludwell Taylor shall devote one meeting each year to the subject of General and Oral Surgery, at which time a noted speaker shall appear, and that this meeting shall be known as the "Judson Ludwell Taylor Lecture on Surgery."

BE IT RESOLVED further that this resolution and the foreward shall be spread upon the minutes of The Houston District Dental Society on this 13th day of January, 1945.