Regents' Outstanding
Teaching Awards

John N. Phelan, PhD, CI-CPT

Assistant Professor

Department of Cell Biology, Division of Anatomy

UT Southwestern Medical Center

I strive to energize the lecture hall; to keep my students alert and engaged by asking questions and encouraging them to shout back the answers and repeat them en masse.

I honestly believe that my students of Human Anatomy are so motivated and intelligent that they could master the colossal volume of information required by our staggeringly brief courses on their own; my role is just to make it easier for them. I've spearheaded development of a photo-illustrated dissection manual and a library of instructional dissection videos designed to streamline laboratory exercises. I strive to energize the lecture hall; to keep my students alert and engaged by asking questions and encouraging them to shout back the answers and repeat them en masse; to present stimulating journal articles that add relevance to the material; to provide multimedia presentations that leave students feeling that, by attending my lectures, they gained a better grasp of the material and committed more information to memory than if they had stayed home reading anatomical entries on Wikipedia and watching lectures on YouTube.