Michael V. Gangone, PhD
Associate Professor of Civil Engineering
Associate Professor of Civil Engineering
College of Engineering
UT Tyler
Michael Gangone is an Associate Professor in the department of Civil Engineering at The University of Texas at Tyler. Gangone’s expertise and interests include innovative bridge research and design methods as well as the development of structural health monitoring and condition assessment techniques for highway bridges and other structural systems. In addition to his technical research, Gangone also has a strong passion for engineering education. In total, he has more than 50 publications in the area of structural monitoring, innovative bridge design and engineering education pedagogy.
Gangone’s teaching interests are primarily in structural engineering. However, he has taught classes in numerous areas of civil engineering. Classes include mechanics of materials, structural analysis, advanced structural analysis, advanced steel design, soil mechanics, fluid mechanics and hydraulics, civil engineering materials, codes and specifications and leadership, business practices, asset management and public policy. Gangone is an Excellence in Civil Engineering Education (ExCEEd) Teaching Fellow and was the recipient of the 2018 American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) ExCEEd New Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award (a national teaching award). He has also been recognized with the White Fellowship in Teaching and The Minnie Stevens Piper Professor Nominee for UT Tyler (2018), the UT Tyler College of Engineering Most Outstanding Teaching Award (2017), the Alpha Chi Outstanding Faculty Award in the College of Engineering at UT Tyler (2013) and is a six time recipient of the UT Tyler Department of Civil Engineering Outstanding Faculty Award that is voted on by the students.
Gangone graduated with his B.S (with distinction), M.S. and Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Clarkson University. Gangone currently serves as the faculty advisor for the ASCE Student Chapter and the UT Tyler Civil Engineering Honor Society. He is also the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) Coordinator for the Civil Engineering Program at UT Tyler.