Get to Know Stacey Napier

Each month, Get to Know… will feature two members of UT System Administration’s talented staff as they offer insights into their lives in and out of the office. Each new edition will be published here.

Stacey Napier, UT System's General Counsel to the Board of Regents, with her husband and two sons on vacation.

Stacey Napier

General Counsel to the Board of Regents

What are your primary job responsibilities?

I started this new role with the UT System in January 2024 as the General Counsel to the Board of Regents. I work with the chairman of the board and the regents to assist them in carrying out their responsibilities and duties to the UT System and UT institutions. The most outward facing part of this job is the quarterly board meetings, but I also work with the regents, the UT System administration and the executive officers on a variety of issues and topics that are of interest to the board and the institutions.

What do you most enjoy about your job?

That's easy — the people and the mission. I have been so impressed by the talent of the UT System employees from day one working here. I've made some wonderful friends in my time working here and I believe it is because we are all connected in advancing the mission of the UT System and UT institutions. When you are here for the right reasons, it makes everything easier and makes work a wonderful place to be.

What advice would you give someone who is new to UT System?

Take advantage of as many opportunities as you can. Whether that is an event sponsored by the Staff Council, having a cup of coffee with co-workers, attending an event sponsored by a campus. The UT System is a big place with new opportunities around every corner.

What is a fact about you that may surprise your colleagues?

I was on Wheel of Fortune in college. I went with a friend to try out — I got on and she didn't ;). The wheel was not kind to me, but I did get a year's supply of Hershey's syrup as a consolation prize.

A quilt handmade by Stacey Napier, UT System's General Counsel to the Board of Regents.

What do you do to disconnect or de-stress?

About 15 years ago (when we had a baby and a toddler at home), I really felt like I needed a hobby that I could do at home with two little ones but that would give me a mental break from my day job and allow me to stretch my brain a bit. A friend and I took a class on how to make a baby quilt. I was hooked! Quilting has become my passion and creative outlet. If I had to guess, I've probably made 100 quilts in the last 15 years. Most evenings you will find me in my sewing room working on my latest project. I've included a picture of one of my latest quilt finishes. I also love to travel. Last year my family and I went on a bucket list trip to Italy and Greece. This year, I got to celebrate my 50th birthday in Paris with my best friends. I'm always looking to plan our next family adventure.

Who is currently playing on your Spotify playlist?

I have a wide variety of musical interests, so my Apple Music playlists are always changing. I do love the new Beyoncé album and have had that playing quite a bit. However, most days in the car I am listening to podcasts. I LOVE a good true crime podcast. My current favorites are Crime Junkie, The Deck and Anatomy of Murder.