Get to Know Trevor Hand

Each month, Get to Know… will feature two members of UT System Administration’s talented and diverse staff as they offer insights into their lives in and out of the office. Each new edition will be published here. This week,

Get to Know...


Trevor Hand, UT System's legislative coordinator in the Office of Government Relations, plays his guitar

Trevor Hand

Legislative Coordinator
Office of Government Relations

What are your primary job responsibilities?

My primary role at the UT System is to run our legislative bill tracking and analysis system to help ensure that our departments and institutions are aware of how priority legislation might impact our operations and mission. With more than 8,000 bills filed this session, it is crucial for our team to understand how legislation may affect us as bills move through the legislative process, and to see how bills change along the way.

What do you most enjoy about your job?

I enjoy being a part of, and contributing to, the UT System’s mission to develop a strong workforce for the state. I got so much out of my time at UT Austin (class of 2016) from a professional development standpoint, as well as lasting friendships and memories. It means a lot to use my experience in government relations to hopefully help others get as much out of their experience with higher education as I did.

What do you do to disconnect or de-stress?

I love living in Austin and making the most of what it has to offer, like seeing live music just about any chance I get, cheering on the Longhorns, getting outside to Barton Springs and Zilker Park or playing golf. I also like to turn to creative outlets, like playing guitar or working on sketch art.

Who is currently playing on your Spotify playlist?

What I listen to usually revolves around my influences in my guitar playing, which includes everything from The White Stripes and The Black Keys to Jimi Hendrix and Led Zeppelin. I also have an affinity for music out of Austin like Stevie Ray Vaughan, Black Pumas and Spoon.