Get to Know Yashambari Ajinkya

Each month, Get to Know… will feature two members of UT System Administration’s talented and diverse staff as they offer insights into their lives in and out of the office. Each new edition will be published here. This week,

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Yashambari Ajinkya

Office of Capital Projects
Senior Project Controls Analyst


Yashambari Ajinkya and partner in front of downtown Austin and Town Lake

What do you most enjoy about your job?
I like that I am allowed to stretch my wings beyond the traditional project controls role at the University of Texas System. I get to be involved in capital improvement programs right through the planning, design, procurement, construction phases and beyond, to deferred maintenance and energy utilization aspects. In addition, I get to assist system administration of Primavera Unifier, Oracle's projects controls and asset management software.

What is your proudest work moment?
When I got the opportunity to travel to the oil fields of Northern Alberta in Canada and spend an entire week in the worker camp. It was an experience of a lifetime! Not only did it double my respect for our field services team, but I like to say I have been forged in the Great White North!

What advice would you give someone who is new to UT System?
Working in the public sector is very different than working in the private sector. Public agencies have to abide by many rules and regulations at all levels. Being a steward of public money also lends a certain gravitas to "the job."

What is a fact about you that may surprise your colleagues?
I’m the only one with my name -- Yashambari Ajinkya. Feel free to Google it! All Indian names are based on horoscope. After the child is born, the horoscope is based on birth time. Indians follow Vedic Astrology. The astrologer short lists Devnagari letters based on the moon sign. One can select any one of the letters to name the child. The child is named on 12th day after its birth, hopefully at an auspicious time as advised by the astrologer. In my case, one of the letters was Y. My father came up with my name Yashambari. It means whose success is like the sky. Yash means success. Ambar means sky. It goes extremely well with my surname Ajinkya, which means invincible.

What is a book or movie that has inspired you – and why?
Book – Machiavelli for Women by Stacey Vanek Smith. It’s the most practical guide on defending my worth, growing my ambition and winning the workplace (play on book’s tagline). Movie – The Godfather. I love the tactical brilliance of Michael Corleone!

What do you do to disconnect or de-stress?
I cook complex Indian recipes (just kidding). I boss my family around! After their stresses match my own, I pick up a book or do art.

Who is currently playing on your Spotify playlist?
I am playing “White Rabbit” by Jefferson Airplane on a loop.