PowerPoint Guidelines

General Guidelines

  • Use widescreen format (16x9 ratio).
  • Use one of the following two templates found here. (Note: U.T. System institutions and outside constituents may use their own templates, but should follow these guidelines.)
  • Title slide requirements are set in the templates:
    • Title of presentation
    • Presenter, Job Title
    • U.T. System Board of Regents Meeting
    • Committee (if for committee meeting)
    • Date of Board Meeting (Month Year)
  • With the exception of the Title Slide, all slides should be numbered in the lower right corner of each slide (as preset in the template).
  • Use bulleted phrases.
  • Use numbered items only to show rank or sequence.
  • Use the same part of speech to begin bullets, such as an active verb.
  • If a topic takes more than one slide, use “(cont.)” after the header on subsequent slides.
  • Refer to the Writing Style Guide for the correct abbreviation of institutions.
  • Last slide should be a closing slide with “Questions?” or “Thank you."



  • Size requirements are preset in the PPT templates.
  • Titles – 36 to 44 points.
  • Subheads – 28 to 36 points.
  • Body text – 22 points minimum.
  • Avoid using italics.
  • Avoid using all CAPS.



Colors are preset in the PPT templates.

  • For charts and graphs, use the same color palette as the template.
  • Use solid colors instead of patterns in charts and graphs.
  • Test print the PPT in B&W to ensure readability.



  • All graphic/picture file formats should be .jpg, while logos should be .gifs.
  • Avoid using clipart or animation.
  • Avoid using logos of non-University entities such as sports teams, pop culture icons, etc.
  • Use video clips and other media art only if necessary, and if there are no copyright issues.


Charts and graphs

  • Charts and graphs should be created in Microsoft Excel and must be special pasted into PPT to produce best resolution (see help in Microsoft PowerPoint on how to special paste).
  • Charts and graphs created by other software may need to be at a higher resolution/file size to retain quality and details. Recommend compressing files in Microsoft Office Picture Manager to be less than 100K in size.
  • Be conservative in the level of detail; use simple chart and graph layouts with the same color palette as the presentation template; use solid colors instead of patterns.


Routing, deadlines, and PPT revisions

  • Please have all data and facts double-checked by someone else in your office.
  • Run spell check.
  • PPTs must be sent to the appropriate Agenda Liaison at U.T. System for attachment to the Agenda Item in the Agenda database. Allow sufficient time for review.
  • The Liaison or Liaison Assistant will route the PPT, via the Agenda database, to PowerPoint Review. PowerPoint Reviewers will include comments/approval in the Agenda database and will route the item back to the Liaison or Liaison Assistant.
  • Keep PPT presentations in the Agenda database current. The Board Office and technical staff in the Office of Technology and Information Services (OTIS) access PPTs directly from the database for display at Board meetings.
  • Do not change the PPT after it is finalized and included in the Agenda Book without notifying and discussing with the appropriate Executive Vice Chancellor, the Chancellor’s Office, and the Board Office.

For assistance, please contact the Office of the Board of Regents at (512) 499-4402 or bor@utsystem.edu .