HOP 3.2.4 Hazardous Duty Pay

Sec. 1 Purpose

The purpose of this Policy is to provide for the administration of hazardous duty pay.

Sec. 2 Policy Statement

Law enforcement personnel of The University of Texas System Administration are entitled to hazardous duty pay in the amount of $10 per month for each year of service in a hazardous duty position or as otherwise provided by law.

Sec. 3 Eligibility

3.1 The following employees are eligible for hazardous duty pay:

a) law enforcement personnel who have completed at least 12 months of lifetime service credit as of the last day of the preceding month and are employed for any portion of the first workday of the month; or

b) an employee who received hazardous duty pay before May 29, 1987, based on the terms of any State law.

Sec. 4 Basis of Service

4.1 An employee who receives hazardous duty pay is not eligible to receive longevity pay unless she or he meets the requirements of HOP 3.2.3, Longevity Pay.

4.2 An employee who receives longevity pay and transfers to a position eligible for hazardous duty pay, will continue to receive longevity pay for the years of service performed in the previously held longevity pay-eligible position(s).

4.3 When computing the total years of service as a State employee, the years spent at both the nonhazardous duty job and the hazardous duty job will be included.

4.4 An employee working in a position eligible for hazardous duty pay, who transfers to a position that is not eligible, will no longer receive hazardous duty pay. The employee will then receive longevity pay based on the total number of years of service as a State employee. Longevity pay will include the years of service in the position requiring the performance of hazardous duty.

Sec. 5 Payment

5.1 Payment of hazardous duty pay and changes in entitlement will be based upon 12-month increments of lifetime service credit. After the completion of 12 months of lifetime service credit, hazardous duty pay begins on the first day of the next month at the specified rate and continues at that rate until the completion of another 12-month increment. These 12 months are not required to be continuous.

5.2 Hazardous duty pay will not be prorated. The full amount of hazardous duty pay must be paid to an employee who ceases to be hazardous pay eligible after the first workday of the month.

5.3 A change in status occurring during the month will be effective the first day of the following month. For example:

a) If an employee is appointed on September 1 of a given year, and the employee completes 12 months service on August 31 one year later, then the hazardous duty payment will begin on the first day of the next month, September 1.

b) If an employee is appointed on September 2 of a given year and completes 12 months service on September 1 one year later, then the hazardous duty payment will begin on the first day of the next month, October 1.

Sec. 6 Transfers

Law enforcement personnel transferring within the U. T. System will be given credit for prior lifetime service credit. The State agency or institution employing an individual on the first workday of the month will be responsible for paying hazardous duty pay for that month.

Sec. 7 Calculation

7.1 The amount of a full-time employee’s hazardous duty pay for a particular month is $10 for each 12-month period of lifetime service credit accrued by the employee as of the last day of the preceding month.

Example of Amount of Monthly Hazardous Duty Pay Table

Years of Service Monthly Hazardous Duty Pay
More than 1 and fewer than 2 years
More than 2 and fewer than 3 years
More than 3 and fewer than 4 years
More than 4 and fewer than 5 years
More than 5 and fewer than 6 years
More than 6 and fewer than 7 years
More than 7 and fewer than 8 years
More than 8 and fewer than 9 years
More than 9 and fewer than 10 years

7.2 The amount of hazardous duty pay paid to a part-time employee is proportional to the amount paid to a full-time employee.

7.3 Hazardous duty pay is not considered in calculating the amount of a lump-sum payment for vacation leave upon termination, nor in calculating a lump-sum payment of vacation and sick leave to the estate of a deceased employee.

7.4 Hazardous duty pay is considered in calculations for federal withholding, Old Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI), compensation-related group insurance, Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) overtime, and retirement contributions.

7.5 Hazardous duty pay is considered a part of total compensation although the base salary rate of the employee is not affected by such payment.


Hazardous Duty Position - a position in the service of the State that requires the performance of hazardous duty.

Law Enforcement Personnel - employees of the U. T. System who are commissioned peace officers and hold hazardous duty positions.

Lifetime Service Credit - the number of months served in a hazardous duty position as of the last day of the preceding month.

Policy Details

Responsible Office(s)

Talent and Innovation

Date Approved

Dates Amended or Reviewed