UTS 153 Campus Mail – Use by Faculty and Staff Organizations

Sec. 1 Purpose

The purpose of this Policy is to provide guidelines for each institution’s policy regarding the use of campus mail. This policy, based upon a December 5, 1989 memorandum from The Executive Vice Chancellors for Health and Academic Affairs issued after Texas Attorney General Opinion JM-1091.

Sec. 2 Principles

The use of and access to campus mail and interaction with campus mail services are controlled by federal and State laws and regulations and by Rules and Regulations of the Board of Regents.  Compliance with these requirements and alignment with Texas Attorney General Opinion JM-1091 is mandatory, and any use by a private organization must be for a public purpose.

Sec. 3 Policy Statement

This Policy clarifies that access to campus mail facilities by faculty and staff organizations is permissible if the access follows the State and federal requirements carefully detailed by the Attorney General in JM-1091.

Sec. 4 Permitted Use

Only registered faculty or staff organizations should be permitted to use the campus mail.

Sec. 5 Public Purpose

Use of the campus mail by a faculty or staff organization should be for a public purpose related to the educational mission of the University.

Sec. 6 Compliance

Use of the campus mail should comply with all applicable federal and State laws and regulations and with the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Regents of The University of Texas System, including but not limited to Rule 80103, Solicitation. Specifically, it is recommended that campus mail not be used

a) for solicitation of new members to an existing organization;

b) to mail newsletters or other bulk mailings that are customarily mailed from state or national organizations;

c) to advertise or endorse commercial products or services or for other private gain purposes;

d) for partisan political purposes; or

e) for religious purposes.

Sec. 7 Institutional Policy Considerations

The institutional policy should also consider other issues such as

a) institutional procedural requirements for use of campus mail, local limits related to size or quantity, and need for organizational identification;

b) local provisions for monitoring appropriate use of campus mail by organizations;

c) potential sanctions, including possible loss of privilege for breach of institutional policy;

d) availability of or requirement for oversight, interpretation of rules, and advice to organizations regarding use of campus mail through an existent or specially appointed committee and/or administrative office; and

e) any technical or procedural requirements unique to the local campus.

Policy Details

Responsible Office(s)

Capital Projects

Date Approved

Dates Amended or Reviewed

Related Information

Relevant System Policies, Procedures, and Regents' Rules