Operating Budget Summary for System: FY 2018

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Document Description

The University of Texas System (the “System”) is one of the largest and most comprehensive institutions of higher education in the country, as well as one of the largest employers in Texas. The System’s eight general academic campuses educate one‐third of Texas’ public university students and its six healthrelated campuses educate two‐thirds of the health professional students attending Texas’ public healthrelated institutions of higher education.

The effect of the System’s expenditures on the Texas economy is profound. For every $1 in state appropriations to U. T. institutions, within five years, U. T. System graduates earn $4.65 to help grow the Texas economy. U. T. System’s research funding level is the largest in Texas and the second largest in the country. The U. T. System educates more than 221,000 students and awarded 54,500 degrees. Forty percent of degrees awarded by U. T. System institutions were in high‐demand STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and math).

The operating budget provides a wide range of services for Texans. Beyond the primary mission of higher education and research, a significant amount of health care is provided for uninsured and underinsured Texans and several initiatives are supported to improve K‐12 education in the public schools. The System’s extensive research and development advancements strengthen the Texas economy.

All of the System’s work revolves around people – the students served, the faculty recruited and retained, and the staff that makes the work of teachers, physicians, and researchers possible. As an educational institution, the System is part of a uniquely labor‐intensive industry – one that requires nothing less than the best from all individuals involved.


Release Date

Responsible Office(s)

Budget and Planning

Document Type

Operating Budget Summary