Proposing New Degree Programs

Forms and Procedures for New Degree Programs

Please submit proposals for new degree programs to the Academic Affairs Proposal Intake Form.
For additional information or questions about degree programs, please contact Dr. Serenity Rose King at

UT System Degree Proposal Tracking 

The UT System Office of Academic Affairs system for tracking proposals prior to submission to the THECB. (Proposal Tracking Archive)

THECB Degree Proposal Tracking

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) Proposal Tracking System, which allows universities to view the progress of completed proposals undergoing THECB review.


Planning Notification

The Coordinating Board requires submission of planning notification for all new degree programs, regardless of level. UT System academic institutions should submit the planning notification for a new bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral, or professional degree program directly to the Coordinating Board. 

New Bachelor's and Master's Degree Programs

To request approval for a new bachelor's or master's program, complete the appropriate Coordinating Board form, depending on whether the program curriculum consists of (a) less than 50% new content or (b) 50% or more new content. Submit the completed form through the Proposal Intake Form used by the UT System Office of Academic Affairs.

New Doctoral Programs

To request approval of a new doctoral program:

  1. Complete the appropriate THECB form.
  2. Submit proposals to the Office of Academic Affairs proposal intake.

Requests Requiring Board of Regents Approval

Requests that require Board of Regents approval are new doctoral or professional programs and bachelor’s and master’s programs, the costs of which will be at or above $2 million during the first five years. Requests must be submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs at least three and a half months before the Board of Regents meeting at which the institution wishes the item to be considered. OAA staff will make every effort to review the request in time for the next Board meeting.

Board of Regents MeetingProposals Due No Later Than
NovemberAugust 1
FebruaryNovember 1
MayFebruary 1
AugustMay 1

Regents' Rules related to academic programs include:

Related THECB guidelines and procedures are available via the link below.