Text of image: The University of Texas System: Advancement Academy


2019 Sessions & Schedule

Monday, Dec. 9  || Tuesday, Dec. 10


Monday, December 9

10:00 a.m.   Opening plenary session


10:45 a.m.   Breakout Sessions #1


Philanthropy in America: What’s Going on and Where Do We Go from Here?

Presenters: Peter Hoskow, Principal & Managing Director, and Lindsay Marciniak, Senior Vice President, CCS Fundraising
Giving USA numbers are in and giving is up. Or is it? The first year of the tax cuts and changes in deductions produced mixed results. What do the numbers tell us and where do we need to focus our efforts?

Emerging Insights into Advancement Staffing and Structure

Presenter: John Tannous, Director of Research Delivery-Higher Education, Education Advisory Board
Drawing on data from EAB's Advancement Investment and Performance Initiative and recent study, "Competing in Advancement’s Era of Big Bets: The Five Defining Challenges of the Next Decade," this session will identify key staffing and structure trends of high-ROI university foundations and advancement divisions and will illustrate promising approaches as institutions seek to scale to achieve increasingly audacious goals.

Pulling Back the Media Curtain

Presenter:  Howard Breuer, CEO, Newsroom PR
A media expert will explain the issues facing the news media today. Learn about the challenges they face, what they need from you, and how you can apply that knowledge to help you earn “earned media.”

Technology Overload

Presenter: Mary McNaughton-Cassill, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, UT San Antonio
The steady stream of technology and media can be overwhelming. This session will help you sift through the information overload to find what is useful and take control of what’s consuming your time and attention.


12:00 p.m.  Luncheon and Guest Speaker: Stephen Harrigan, author of Big Wonderful Thing: A History of Texas


1:30 p.m.  Breakout Sessions #2

Engaging and Involving the Next Generation of Alumni

Presenter: John Tannous, Director of Research Delivery-Higher Education, Education 
This session will identify frameworks and case studies for how alumni associations and offices are evolving their approach: first, from "engagement for engagement's sake" to activation of key constituencies and segments who can take action on enterprise strategic goals, and second, reorienting offering to capitalize on the behaviors, preferences, and motivations of Gen Z, millennials, and Gen X, who make up the majority of the alumni base.

Help Me Help You

Presenters: Kelsey Evans, Executive Director for Corporate Relations, UT Austin; Jeff Lawson, Senior Director, Azure Solution Sales – Education, Microsoft; and Rhonda Summerbell, Senior Manager of Community Impact, University Federal Credit Union
A panel of corporate givers will share what they need from institutions in today’s evolving world of corporate relations. Learn how to make it easier for them to engage with—and support—your institution.

Beyond Posting: Getting Strategic about Social Media

Presenter: Kami Watson Huyse, CEO, Zoetica Media
You tweet and post, use images and emojis and interact with followers. But what difference does it make?  This session will help you develop, implement and measure social media strategies to achieve your communication goals.

Leading Managers

Presenter: Josh Birkholz, CEO, BWF
Having a poor manager is one of the main reasons cited for employee turnover. But new managers may not have the training or skills needed before taking on a supervisory role. This session will provide leaders with ways to help new managers succeed and keep their teams happy and productive.


2:45 p.m.   Breakout Sessions #3


Building a Strong Foundation

Presenters: Mike Nellis, President & CEO, Austin Community Foundation, and William Buster, Executive Vice President for Community Investments, St. David’s Foundation
Foundations account for more than 35% of all cash received among UT institutions. A panel of foundation representatives will discuss how to strengthen your relationship with them and develop a compelling proposal that supports their mission.

Can We Count It?     

Presenter: Darrow Zeidenstein, Senior Vice President & Chief Development Officer, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
The Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) will soon debut its 5th edition of Reporting Standards & Management Guidelines. This session, presented by a member of CASE’s working group, offers a sneak preview into what’s on the horizon and how to make sure gift data and donor count are being captured and reported as accurately as possible.  

Tell Me a Story

Presenter: Mike Barzacchini, Director of Marketing Services Director, Harper College
Mike Barzacchini has built a nearly 30-year career powered by discovering, creating and sharing stories that connect people and advance strategic priorities of universities. He regularly shares his expertise with others as a regular presenter at CASE and other higher ed conferences and workshops. Development and communications professionals alike may benefit from hearing how engaging and compelling messages in digital and print communications resonate with broad constituencies.

Creating Creativity

Presenter:  Doreen Lorenzo, Assistant Dean, School of Design and Creative Technologies, Fellow of Marguerite Fairchild Centennial Professorship, College of Fine Arts, UT Austin
Whether you're looking for a new way to make the ask, write a news release or design a brochure, it is sometimes tough to get the creative juices flowing. In this session, learn ways to generate creativity and inspire results.


4:00 p.m.    Breakout Sessions #4

Stay with Me: Stewardship 2020

Presenter: Josh Birkholz, CEO, BWF
The old adage holds true, “Your best donor is your current donor.” There is fierce competition for donors, so make sure you keep the ones you have by providing the best donor experiences, events and engagement opportunities. This session will share best practices and strategies for donor retention.

Grammar for Grownups 

Presenter: Ellen Jovin, Principal, Syntaxis
Punctuate with power! Tackle unfounded grammar superstitions that have haunted you since childhood! Resolve long-standing arguments with colleagues about gerunds and participles! Through a lively, interactive approach, this fast-paced grammar clinic will address some of the most persistent errors in workplace writing to help you write with greater precision, professionalism and authority.

To Serve and Protect

Presenter: Michael J. Heidingsfield, Director of Police, UT System
The UT System Director of Police leads the third largest state law enforcement agency in Texas, ensuring campus police are ready for any situation, from an active shooter to dealing compassionately with an assault victim. But the police are not the only ones expected to communicate about campus safety. This session will equip you to communicate more effectively with students, parents, patients, donors, faculty and the community about possible safety concerns.

To Infinity and Beyond: Drafting Gift Agreements that Will Stand the Test of Time

Presenter: Marcia Inger Navratil, Owner & Principal Consultant, Navrátil Philanthropic Solutions
A well-drafted gift agreement doesn't just address the circumstances when a donor makes a gift—it also takes into account the donor's long-term intent, the current and future needs of the institution and the relevant legal standards that govern institutional management of gift funds. During this session, you will hear real-life examples that will help you understand how to craft a comprehensive gift agreement that will work now and in the future.


6:00 p.m.    Dinner on Rainey Street/Austin Experience


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Tuesday, December 10

8:00 a.m.  Breakfast & Roundtable

Discussions with your development, advancement and communications peers from across the UT System


9:15 a.m.  Breakout Sessions #5


Giving Under the Influence

Presenter: David Kremer, Foundation Director at SantaFe Senior Living Foundation
As donors age, they may lose the ability to make decisions about charitable gifts. For development officers, that could lead to allegations of undue influence. Learn how to protect gifts while maintaining the highest ethical standards when working with aging donors and their families.

Building a Pipeline to Keep the Funds Flowing

Presenters: Chris Bingley, Senior Vice President, and Meg Weber, Vice President, Ruffalo Noel Levitz
No matter how busy and successful you are with current donors, future success depends on identifying and cultivating the next wave of major donors. This session will help you better balance closing gifts, cultivation and discovery work; use performance metrics to encourage pipeline development; and implement a plan for an ongoing funding flow.

Building Reporter Relationships

Presenters: Lindsay Ellis, The Chronicle of Higher Education; Shannon Najmabadi, Texas Tribune; Jena Heath, Associate Professor of Journalism and Digital Media, St. Edward’s University
State and national higher education reporters and a faculty adviser for a student newspaper will share insights for working more effectively with the journalists who cover your institution, including student reporters.

Find and Keep Good Talent

Presenter: Deb Taft, CEO, Lois Lindauer
Turnover is expensive, leads to lower initial productivity as new hires are brought on board, and results in lost relationships and momentum. Unreasonable expectations, poor management and work-life balance are major causes for leaving. What can your institution do to retain you best talent and help them succeed?


10:30 a.m.  Breakout Sessions #6


It’s Complicated: Going Beyond the Checkbook to Maximize Donor Giving   

Presenters: Amanda Brown Irving, Executive Director of Gifts and Estate Planning, UT Austin; Geoffrey Richards, Assistant Director of Real Estate, UT System; and Joe Hancock, Vice President and General Counsel, HighGround Advisors
Sophisticated donors do more than write checks. Learn how to help them make the most of their generosity by understanding what’s involved in the different types of gifts available, including real estate, oil and gas holdings, stocks and donor-advised funds.

It’s a Whole New World in Fundraising                                                                 

Presenters: Chris Bingley, Senior Vice President, and Meg Weber, Vice President, Ruffalo Noel Levitz
Donors can now choose when and how they want to receive information. The methods for communicating our stories and appeals are rapidly multiplying. Learn how to develop, implement and measure a communications plan for your appeal strategy.

Managing Tomorrow's Issues Today

Presenter: Julie Peterson, Partner, Peterson Rudgers Group
Crisis management is one thing. Managing issues before they reach crisis mode is another.  In today's never-ending news cycle, it's more important than ever to proactively put together the plans and people necessary to navigate potential communication challenges.

Planning to Plan

Presenters: Kevin Foyle, Vice President for Development and Public Affairs, UTHealth, and Elizabeth Thurmond, Director of Office of University Events, UT El Paso 
You’ve planned and implemented the perfect event. But how does it fit into your overall development and communications goals? And what happens next? This session will help you be more strategic in planning the communications and outreach needed before, during and after an event to maximize the impact on your institution’s overall success. You’ll also learn tips for keeping recurring events fresh and relevant


11:45 a.m.  Chancellor’s Awards Luncheon

Join Chancellor J.B. Milliken at the closing luncheon as he presents awards for exceptional performance in fundraising, advancement services, media relations, communications, and events.  All UT institutions are invited to submit nominations in one or more categories.


1:30 p.m.   Adjourn


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