Organizational Guidelines




Amendment Process


General Guidelines


We, the members of The University of Texas System Student Advisory Council (UTSSAC), do hereby adopt these organizational guidelines for the purpose of providing input to the U.T. Board of Regents through the Chancellor of The University of Texas System on issues of student concern.


1.1 Each individual institution shall establish the means for selecting the members that represent that institution. The number of representatives from each institution is to be determined by the Chancellor of The University of Texas System.

1.2 A student, in order to be appointed and serve on the Council, shall be enrolled and in good standing, as determined by their institution. It is expected that students will attend all three in-person meetings of the UTSSAC.

1.3 An individual shall remain a member of the Council until replaced by their institution or expelled by the Council, as provided in 1.4 below.

1.4 Members are expected to:

  • Attend and participate until adjournment in all meetings called by the Chair.
  • Serve on committees as appointed by the Chair.
  • Keep the alternative representative apprised and updated.

1.5 If a member is unable to attend a Council meeting, it is that member's responsibility to inform the Chair and one of the UT System staff liaisons that he or she will not be able to attend all or part of the meeting. Unexcused absences may result in removal from UTSSAC.



2.1 The Council will have the following officers who comprise the Executive Board:

  • Chair
  • Vice-Chair
  • Secretary
  • Any other temporary officers that are deemed necessary by the Chair, subject to a two-thirds vote of the members present.

2.2 The Chair shall have the following duties:

  • To preside over all meetings of the Council and the Executive Board and Executive Committee.
  • To establish and appoint members to standing and ad hoc committees, including UT System committees and Task Forces.
  • To serve as a member of the Executive Board and Executive Committee.
  • To vote to break a tie.
  • To monitor work of the committees.
  • In conjunction with UT System liaisons, to determine members' absences excused or unexcused.
  • To set the Agenda for Council meetings in consultation with the UT System staff liaisons.
  • To attend meetings of and represent the Council to the UT Board of Regents as necessary.

2.3 The Vice Chair shall have the following duties:

  • To assume the duties of the Chair in the absence of the Chair.
  • To ensure that the provisions of these Guidelines are followed.
  • To serve as a member of the Executive Board and Executive Committee.
  • To monitor work of the committees.
  • Assist the Chair in the preparation of all meetings.

2.4 The Secretary shall have the following duties:

  • To take notes of the full meetings of the UTSSAC and ensure that Working Groups and Committees maintain notes of breakout sessions.
  • To electronically post notes from the meetings in a timely manner.
  • To assist in ensuring that final resolutions, recommendations and other final work products are provided to the Chair and UT System staff liaisons in a timely manner.
  • To call the roll at each regular meeting.
  • To serve as a member of the Executive Board and Executive Committee.

2.5 Officers do not vote.

2.6 Officers must be enrolled at a UT institution for fall and spring semesters of their term.

2.7 Officers shall be elected at the last meeting of each academic school year by the following process:

  • The Chair shall call for nominations.
  • Each nominated member shall have an opportunity to address the Council the day of nomination.
  • The vote for new officers will be taken by secret ballot when more than one person is seeking the position. The ballot is to be counted by an Officer and UT System Staff Liaison. If the Vice Chair is on the ballot being counted, another Officer will count the ballots with the UT System Staff Liaison.

2.8 An officer may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the Council for failure to perform the duties as described in Sections 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, and 2.5.

2.9 Nominees for Officer positions must disclose before the vote takes place any circumstances which may hinder the nominee’s ability to fulfill the duties of the position, including internships or fellowships that require a student to be off campus for an extended period of time.

2.10 In the event of a vacancy in the Chair position, the Vice Chair shall assume the duties of the Chair. If the Vice Chair is unable or unwilling to serve as Chair, a special election may take place at the next meeting of SAC, or by electronic vote. All other vacant officer positions shall be replaced at the next meeting of SAC, following the procedure outlined in Section 2.6.



3.1 The Council shall meet at least three times in an academic year. The tentative schedule for the meetings shall be determined by the UT System Staff Liaison before the beginning of the next academic year.

3.2 No vote can be conducted in the absence of a quorum. A quorum shall consist of at least half of the membership of the Council plus one.



4.1 These Guidelines may be amended by the following procedures:

  • Any member may propose to the Chair an amendment to the Guidelines.
  • The UT System Staff Liaisons may propose to the Chair amendments to the Guidelines. They may also make non-substantive revisions that would result in more fluid Council operations.
  • The amendments shall become part of these Guidelines with two-thirds of the Executive Board in favor and two-thirds vote of the members present. The members can veto the decision of the Executive Board with three-quarters vote.



5.1 The Chair, in consultation with the Council, will establish standing committees.

5.2 Members may serve on multiple standing committees.

5.3 Ad hoc committees shall be established by the Chair of the Council as deemed necessary.

5.4 Appointment to ad hoc committees shall be determined by the Chair.

5.5 All standing committees will select a Chair and Vice Chair by simple majority vote of all those members present at the first standing committee meeting of the academic year.

5.6 The Chair of the committee is responsible for all resolutions, recommendations, and information items which shall be prepared for the Council prior to consideration.

5.7 The Vice Chair will maintain a roster of committee members and meeting notes and submit this information to the Council's Secretary after each meeting.

5.8 To the extent that is practical, members from the same UT institution should serve on different standing committees.

5.9 The Executive Committee shall be composed of the Chairs of the standing committees and the Council Officers.



6.1 Any member of the UTSSAC may introduce a topic, recommendation, or resolution by contacting the Chair to place the item on the next meeting agenda for introductory discussion.

6.2 Recommendations and resolutions shall have a multi-institution focus. Individual campus issues shall be explored with institutional administrators prior to any form of consideration of the Council.

6.3 Recommendations, resolutions, and other final work products shall be provided to the Office of the Chancellor and the Executive Vice Chancellors for Academic and Health Affairs via the UT System Staff Liaison.



7.1 Resolutions, recommendations, and other items shall be approved by a simple majority vote of the committee members present and two-thirds vote of the Council members present.

7.2 The Committee Chairs will forward resolutions, recommendations, and other items to members of the Executive Board and UT System Staff Liaisons in advance of the May Board meeting.

7.3 Resolutions, recommendations, and other items shall be maintained in final form by UT System staff liaisons.