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Responding to advocacy and inspiration from the UT System Student Advisory Council, the Library Directors, faculty and other affordability champions, the UT System’s Affordable Learning Accelerator Task Force was convened from April 2019 to August 2020 to support and accelerate institutional efforts to expand the availability and affordability of high-quality, low- or no-cost, cutting-edge and next-generation instructional and learning resources to students.
The task force was formed in response to the growing convergence of interest and activity systemwide coalescing around Open Educational Resources (OER) and other digital and online instructional and learning resources as high-impact avenues by which to alleviate student financial burdens, increase college affordability, and enable more students to feel like they belong and can succeed at our universities.
The goals and work of the task force aligned with the UT System's student success framework, focused around the three pillars of Finances, Advising and Belonging.
The Task Force shared its report and recommendations with Chancellor J.B. Milliken in September 2020. Following guidance from UT System and institutional executive leadership, four priority areas have been selected from among the report recommendations for more immediate follow-up.
The full report and recommendations can be found here.