Phishing Tournament Image October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month and to celebrate, the UT System Administration Information Security Office is holding its first annual Phishing Tournament.
Effective with the work week beginning August 3, 2020, all UT System Administration timesheets will be submitted and approved directly in PeopleSoft rather than through the Employee Timesheet System (ETS). After taking the following actions, UT System Administration employees and managers will no longer use the ETS: 
The Office of Talent and Innovation will be holding demo sessions on how to navigate the new My UT Benefits user experience for open enrollment.  Learn how to easily enroll in  benefits for the upcoming plan year by attending a demo session or following the guide provided:
Beginning June 15, more System Administration staff will return to the UT System Building to continue to serve and support UT institutions and the people of Texas. This guide for returning to the workplace outlines practices and protocol to promote a healthy and safe environment as more employees and tenants return to working in the building.
To offer UT System employees greater peace of mind regarding the security of their mobile devices, the Office of Information Security is turning on a feature in the Duo two-factor authentication app called Security Checkup. This feature checks the security settings of the mobile device and recommends updates to make the phone more secure if needed. If there are no security issues, no messages or recommendations appear. Employees who choose not to make any recommended security updates will not be prevented from accessing UT System information resources.
The FY 2021 Holiday Schedule has been posted by the Office of Talent & Innovation. The number of holidays for all state agencies and institutions of higher education is set by the Texas Legislature, although higher education institutions have flexibility in determining the actual days within that number. The FY 2021 schedule includes 13 designated holidays plus 1 floating holiday (14 total).
The UT System Office of Academic Affairs and the Office of Talent and Innovation invite you to a conversation with Dr. Livia Eberlin, an award-winning UT Austin scientist and inventor, on Monday, March 9, 12-1 p.m., in the Multipurpose Room. An assistant professor in UT Austin's Department of Chemistry, Eberlin's awards include a MacArthur Foundation Fellowship--the so-called "genius grant"--for her research on the use of mass spectrometry to detect cancerous tissue. She will be joined by one of her graduate students, Kyana Garza.
Know a UT undergraduate student who is looking for meaningful summer work experience? The Office of Talent & Innovation is launching a new UT System Internship Program  pilot for Summer 2020. The paid 11-week program will provide students enrolled at any UT System institution with an opportunity to explore career options and obtain hands-on work experience in a professional setting.
PeopleSoft now has a new look and feel. The software was recently updated with a new user interface known as FLUID that easily adapts to a desktop, tablet or phone. The home page, Employee Self-Service, provides quick access to Personal Details, Time & Attendance, Payroll & Compensation and Benefits Summary. Managers also have access to a new Manager Self-Service page that includes My Team, Pending Approvals and Team Time & Attendance. With FLUID, users may customize these pages and create their own personal page.
For most of us, it’s rare to write a check. Online payments save time and reduce risks and resources. Now UT System Building employees and tenants can pay online for replacement ID badges, replacement parking permits and wellness locker rentals. The Office of the Controller developed a Make a Payment Portal that will allow payments via credit card.
The UT System Office of Academic Affairs and the Office of Talent and Innovation welcome you on Monday, December 9, at 12 p.m. to a conversation with award-winning journalist and best-selling author Raj Patel. Join us to:
UT System employees have recently been targeted by phishing email that contains a link to a voice message. Clicking on the link in the email directs the user to login to Microsoft Office 365.
The UT System Office of Academic Affairs and the Office of Talent and Innovation will host the next installment of the Block 82 speaker series on Friday, November 8, 2019, at noon. Ashley Alaniz-Moyer, executive director of the Hispanic Scholarship Consortium, will present Helping Texas Develop Workforce-Ready Leaders Engaged in Our Communities.
The Office of Risk Management will conduct the annual evacuation drill at The University of Texas System Building on Thursday, October 10, 2019, beginning at 9:30 am. All employees and tenants will participate.  UT Austin Fire Prevention Services and the City of Austin Fire Department will assist with the drill.
Learn how to stay cyber safe while enjoying a free lunch and a fun game of bingo. On Wednesday, October 2, the Office of Information Security will be hosting an exciting and educational game of cybersecurity bingo. Prizes will be awarded to all bingo game winners, and everyone who registers in advance will get a free lunch. The event starts at 11:30 a.m. in Room 2.206. To make sure you get lunch, register by September 27.
Please join the UT System Office of Academic Affairs and the Office of Talent and Innovation at noon on Friday, June 21, 2019, for the next installment of the Block 82 speaker series. Dan Graham, co-founder of Notley Ventures, will present "From Changing an Industry to Reimagining Investing and Philanthropy." You can RSVP and add this event to your calendar via this link: https://utsystemck.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3Fexvmym55BcFmZ  
The FY 2020 Holiday Schedule has been posted by the Office of Talent & Innovation (formerly Human Resources). The FY 2020 schedule includes 15 holidays (a floating holiday is not included this year).
The UT System Employee Service Awards program was held June 4, 2019, to honor employees working at System Administration who achieved a service milestone in 2018.  Together, the 85 award recipients have provided nearly 1,000 years of dedicated service.
Susan Dawson, president & executive director of E3 Alliance, will present Education: The Key to Equity & Economic Prosperity (and by the way, we’re not where we need to be…) on May 9 as part of the Block 82 Speaker Series. The E3 Alliance is a regional collaborative focused on increasing economic outcomes by aligning education systems. Susan is an entrepreneur and business and civic leader whose experience includes leading multiple technology firms and serving as chair of the Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce.
The UT System Staff Council is coordinating food and coat drives to help Central Texans in need during the holidays. New and gently used coats may be donated to Coats for Kids from Nov. 12 through Dec. 5. Designated bins are set up in the lobby on the first floor. More information and additional ways to help can be found through the Junior League of Austin.